Nosta GmbH
An der Bahn 5
89420 Höchstädt
Tel +49 (0) 9074 / 42-0
Board of Directors:
Gregor Ludley and Patrick Meixner
Amtsgericht Augsburg: HRB 22768
USt-Id Nr. DE 814853900
data protection officer:
Herr Rechtsanwalt Sascha Weller
Institut für Datenschutzrecht
Ziegelbräustraße 7, 85049 Ingolstadt
Tel. +49 (0) 841 / 885 167-15
We appreciate your visit on our web site and your interest in our work. All information you have transmitted to us will be used exclusively for your individual support . This information will be treated strictly confidentially and will not be transferred under any circumstances to third parties.
We would like to point out that the contents of these pages are intended for information purposes only. We do not assume any guarantee for the information being current, accurate and complete. Publication and dissemination of any information from this website require the express consent of Nosta GmbH. Nosta GmbH shall not be liable for damages incurred directly or indirectly by using this website as far as they are not attributable to intention or gross negligence on the part of Nosta GmbH. Although the information is being carefully checked we do not accept liability for links to external websites and their contents. For the content of the linked websites the responsibility lies exclusively with their operators.
© Copyright 2022 Nosta GmbH, Höchstädt, Germany
All rights reserved. Text, photos, graphics and videos and their layout on the nosta website are subject to copyright and the protection of other relevant legislation. The content of this website must not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.